The children’s book “Unicorn Jazz” by Lisa Caprelli is such a beautiful book! I really loved the story! The illustrations are very colorful and cute! My son enjoyed looking at all the beautiful animal illustrations! This book includes themes like diversity, self-confidence, friendship, and acceptance. It teaches children that a true friend will support you and accept you for who you are. It also teaches children to find what makes them unique and embrace it. During my college years, my thesis research topic was individual development, and I truly believe that books like this one are very impactful in a child’s development. These themes are very important and they also make great discussion topics for families and classrooms. I definitely recommend this book for any libraries and classrooms.
The “Unicorn Jazz” Coloring Book for Kids is adorable! It is a great addition to the book. Children learn more when activities are added to their reading material. Sensory activities are the best! My little one loves coloring!
This book is available with the the sing a long lyrics, as well as, the teacher curriculum and field trip guide! This bundle of resources make this book so much more valuable to teachers, home school moms and everyone who loves unicorns! You can purchase “Unicorn Jazz” Children’s Book Here and the Coloring Book Here.
Lisa is a writer; founder and brand creator of Unicorn Jazz stories and its mission. With a 25 year branding, public relations, radio and podcasting, writing background, Lisa Caprelli, has made writing her life. She is a Latina mom and an author of over 11 books leading with children’s book series, Unicorn Jazz (English and Spanish); Skip a Step: Imparting Wisdom for Young Entrepreneur Minds, Color Your Message and Writing and Publishing Your Story and Turning it Into a Book. With a Bachelor’s of Science in Social Psychology, her quest to study human behavior is seen in her work. Coming from an influence of of educators, including early childhood teachers, principals and librarians, she enjoys keeping up and teaching latest trends in technology to leverage and collaborate with great leaders to make stories and the love of reading meaningful.
Author Interview
What inspired you to create unicorn jazz?
I was inspired to create Unicorn Jazz into a book series and children’s unicorn brand to entertain children, parents, grandparents, teachers and educators while at the same time creating conversations and teaching important life lessons that stories can do! A principal friend pointed out to me that Unicorn Jazz also touches on social emotional learning skills that are of value in elementary schools today. And what would a children’s book be without a song? I took the time to create a very catchy, fun song for Unicorn Jazz that accompanies the book – click here to watch.
How has your experience as a children’s book author been so far?
My experience as a children’s book author has been wonderful. I wish I had taken the leap of faith to do this sooner in my life, however, the experience, technology, resources and friendships I have made along the way have helped my team and I to catapult Unicorn Jazz into so many children’s lives so far.
As a Latina, I grew up in modest beginnings in the bordertown of El Paso, Texas and have been blessed to live in California for over 18 years now. I came to Huntington Beach, California with around 100 dollars against the advice of every single person; I did not know a soul when I moved and had to start over in building friendships and connections. I was told not to move. I did it anyway and am glad I listened to my instinct to create a new, better life.
I grew up shy and introverted and had a huge fear of public speaking. Today, I have keynoted and speak at schools, organizations, groups, author readings and anywhere I can to spread the messages about my passions, purpose and love for writing books.
I have found that most people are kind and will help you if you ask nicely and if you reciprocate kindness and help.
I have been an entrepreneur for 18 years and enjoy the diversity, freedom and connections I have made.
I have hosted numerous radio shows on FM and AM stations and currently have a podcast show called Happy & Fun Lifestyle which will resume again in a few months.
I can read, write and think at speeds of 200+ words per minute. The secret is that I was trained and became a court reporter right out of high school. This allows me to multi-task and create to get a volume of work done in a shorter amount of time. I am told that I do the work of 5-10 people.
I believe that we all have some type of creativity inside us and that is a gift we should learn to embrace and share with the world.
I changed my life to become an accomplished writer after realizing that happiness, meaning and purpose are more important than monetary status and after having built up numerous brands from concept to success. I then took a chance on fulfilling my own dreams. I live by this mantra: Find something that INSPIRES you. Do what gives your life MEANING and PURPOSE and you will have more HAPPINESS and EXCITEMENT to live a life you are proud. In doing so, the time you are afforded will touch and inspire many people in ways you never thought possible. Enjoy the JOURNEY with those who have helped YOU along the way! Be KIND and GIVE back, too!
My teenage son is a popular YouTuber, TreyJam doing Try Not To Laugh Videos – with over 119,000 subscribers and over 80 million views! He started when he was 7 and I am thrilled when he goes with me to do talks, author visits or career day visits at schools. It is fun to know that your children pay attention to your work. My older son is a nurse and he helped me with video and graphic design work for about 10 years since high school. I feel it is important to teach your kids the power of work ethic and not to simply hand them things they did not earn. It is probably because of my upbringing and the fact that I have earned everything I have had and nothing has ever been handed to me.
My work in creating my book (which took 2.5 years) – Skip a Step: Imparting Wisdom for Young Entrepreneur Minds – sky rocketed my decision to author more books until the day I die. I feel that writing is a huge legacy one can leave behind and I am grateful that I have the skillset to write, publish, market, brand and connect with top influencers across social media platforms, like you, and this blog!
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