Living a bilingual lifestyle with kids is quite an adventure and story-time is a MUST!
Here are some of our favorite bilingual books from our home library:
Little Chickies| Los Pollitos by Sue Jaramillo
Little Sunnie Sunshine| Sol Solecito by Sue Jaramillo
Little Elephants| Los Elefantitos by Sue Jaramillo
Cars, Trucks and Planes| Carros, camiones y aviones by Gladys Rosa-Mendoza
El Chavo Una aventura a lo grande| A Great Big Adventure by Scholastic
I like it When…| Me gusta cuando… by Mary Murphy
I love my daddy because…| Quiero a mi papá porque… by Laurel Porter-Gaylord
Fruits with Adam and Eve| Frutas con Adan y Eva by Bianca Cerrato
My House: A Book in Two Languages| Mi Casa: Un libro en Dos Lenguas by Rebecca Emberly
See and Say:A book in Four Languages by Antonio Fransconi
Señorita Mariposa by Ben Gunderscheimer (Mister G)
Simon Goes to School by Aileen P. & Christia M.
Luca’s Bridge| El puente de Luca by Mariana Llanos
Toilet Tunel| El túnel del inodoro by Alison Hinchey
DLee’s First Day of School| El primer día de clase de DLee by Diana Lee Santamaria
Words Are Not for Hurting| Las palabras no son para lastimar by Elizabeth Verdick
Pika the Bunny Has a Big Quiestion| El conejito Pika tiene una gran pregunta by Wendy Gilhula
Rainbow Weaver / La tejedora del arco iris by Linda Elovitz Marshall
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